NIACE Learning Wales has received over 400 nominations for Inspire! In 2014, the highest number ever! This year we have created two new categories designed specifically for Further Education esa software and Higher Education, which prompted many nominations from learners and lecturers across Wales. Winners will be announced at the awards ceremony at Venue Cymru in June.
Ken Skates AM, Deputy Minister for Skills and Technology, challenged over 100 companies in the public sector and the private sector to hold an event "WBL" esa software on Thursday 19th June
The Learning esa software at Work Day is part of Adult Learners' Week (festival of the UK's largest adult education), and highlights how workplace learning have a positive impact on staff, in terms of improved skills and confidence , and also on the business itself. Research shows that learning in the workplace helps staff to progress in their careers and become esa software more efficient in their jobs, while businesses can benefit through increased productivity and reduced sickness levels.
Incidents Learning at Work Day activities range from "de-stress" such as aromatherapy and Indian head massage to short vocational taster courses in administration, finance and so on.
He said Cerys Furlong, Director of NIACE Learning Wales "With increasing potential gains for staff members to higher profits for employers, the Learning at Work Day is an opportunity to rediscover esa software and celebrate the positive benefits of learning, and for, work. We encourage as many employers as possible in Wales to join in the challenge and take part in Learning at Work Day 2014 '.
May we take this opportunity to congratulate the group on their Caerphilly Learning Festival a successful bid for funding to run events on International Women's Day. The success of the proposal shows the hard work and cooperation from members to the concept of Learning Festival from the beginning, esa software so CONGRATULATIONS NIACE DC!
NIACE Learning Wales is proud to support Summer Stories 2014 by a group plan Storytelling in Wales convened by George Ewart Evans Centre for Storytelling at the University of South Wales, and includes representatives Beyond The Border Storytelling Festival, Welsh Literature, Arts Voluntary Wales, NIACE Learning Wales, CyMAL: Museums Archives and Libraries Wales, National Museum of Wales and Cadw, along with independent storytellers. We will get back two of our current projects with the plan.
First, as part of Adult Learners' Week, a 21/22 June at Family Weekend Storytelling and Learning NIACE Cymru launches grant scheme to encourage small groups from across Wales to take part in activities that bring adults and children together to share, enjoy and learn from the stories. Click here for more details.
Secondly we are part way through a project Sharing Stories - Sharing Understanding, a project funded by the Big Lottery and based on contact with those with poor skills in English by saying esa software and listening to traditional stories from different cultural esa software , discussing similarities and differences. This will provide opportunities to improve skills in English and communication skills and improve understanding of other cultures. Click here for further details.
"We esa software welcome the objectives of the campaign, particularly as they complement and confirm our findings ourselves on Family Learning. Our research shows that learning together as a family can be a key factor in breaking the cycle of deprivation and educational underachievement. Basic Skills such as Maths and English is essential to the prospects of children in Wales for the future, but also can learn together to improve the educational needs of parents or guardians who may have had problems in the past. '
NIACE recommended an independent esa software investigation on the matter, 'Numeracy Counts' should be to improve adult numeracy not think only in terms of the mathematics taught in school, but adopted a new approach to numeracy, focusing on how adults use in everyday life and how it should be taught.
In December, NIACE launched its brand new app mathematics, Maths Everywhere. Maths Everywhere is available free for download for Apple and Android phones and is available online at For more information on the campaign "Your words count" esa software Learning Wales website Download The Numeracy Counts: NIACE Committee of Inquiry on Adult Numeracy Education NIACE Download Ap Mathematics Maths Everywhere
As part of a new project esa software with the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, NIACE is calling for evidence from organizations submitting Citizens Curriculum - designed with adults in learning and co-dest