Let me share with you a series of notes that I've taken these last few days with Evernote. And let me start with this fantastic collection of images of the International Space Station (the ISS) with that NASA has created this video (more details in the description on youtube) I recommend to see full screen. Among the images presented in the video I noted: 'Gulf Stream Currents and Sea Surface Temperatures' and dedicated to Hands on, those of Aquarius Swath data and sea surface Salinity on rotating globe'. On the ISS, we recommend to look at scenes of everyday maintenance of the station made in Sept. 2012. I remember because, despite all that lead us to the news, there are people who still work in the future, take a look at the report last February NASA's Mars Curiosity Rover. All this and much more you can find NASA TV channel on youtube. airbus deutschland gmbh Just want to ask you, when you see these pictures, try to find a few minutes airbus deutschland gmbh to remember some of the messages that great man was Carl Sagan [en] [es]: I'm sure you will continue to give a little warmth and light in the darkness that characterizes airbus deutschland gmbh the present moment.
The days and times are published in some of the posts of this blog may suggest an obsessive dedication and full time of their authors. Not the case. Many of the entries in this blog have been programmed in advance to match them with a precise date and time.
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