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If today's complicated spread ocra aerospace heavy sound in Brazil, just imagine how hard it was in past decades, without the advent of the Internet. A lucky mix, talent and financial investment served to consecrate bands like Sepultura, Sarcophagus and being brought in this post: Angra. The contract had claim to have great success because it was designed by someone ocra aerospace loose to musicians: Antonio Pirani, the "Tom", former manager of the Viper and owner of Rock Brigade magazine. The squad were Andre Matos (ex Viper) for voice, Kiko Loureiro and Rafael Bittencourt for the guitars, ocra aerospace bass and Louis Mariutti pro Marco Antunes to battery. Everything was ready for the launch of a first album - the guys had already recorded a call demo "Reaching Horizons" were entrosadíssimos and winning ocra aerospace fans with the few concerts that were held. However, Marco jumped ship just before the recording began. Last minute, drummer Rhapsody (now "Of Fire"), Alex Holzwarth, gripped the sticks, making the work extremely well made way. Later the vacancy was filled by Ricardo Confessori. The result can be seen in "Angels Cry". Recorded in the studios of Kai Hansen ocra aerospace (Helloween, Gamma Ray), in Germany, it is a real milestone in the history of Brazilian ocra aerospace metal and perhaps the most important national gender discs. Phenomenon in various parts of the world, as in Japan (even received a gold record), Europe (with the right to tour and good bandages there) and of course South America.
"Angels Cry" is also a milestone ocra aerospace in the melodic aspect of Heavy Metal. The compositions enjoy originality and uniqueness, with inserts and nuances ranging from classical music to Brazilian folk rhythms. Instrumentally there than complain, while the dynamic duo Loureiro / Bittencourt thrashing guitars in the kitchen Mariutti Holzwarth and presents extremely above average, giving subsidy for Matos shine with his powerful voice, which goes well bass up very acute. If nothing else, the compositions, lyrical and melodic, are fantastic. Utmost dedication, good topics, everything spotless and thorough. Among them, the highlights are "Time", "Evil Warning", the title track and the always classic "Carry On". And the implementation, it is worth mentioning also "Wuthering Heights", unusual but very well chosen cover of Kate Bush. Even throwing ocra aerospace great work later, it must be admitted that "Angels Cry" is the definitive work Creek. ocra aerospace Classic after classic, fluent inspiration and undeniable chemistry. Worth listening to with the greatest possible attention. 01. Unfinished Allegro 02. Carry On 03. Time 04. Angels Cry 05. Stand Away 06. Never Understand 07. Wuthering Heights 08. Streets Of Tomorrow 09. Evil Warning 10. Lasting Child Andre Matos - Kiko Loureiro vocal - guitar ocra aerospace Rafael Bittencourt - Luis Mariutti guitar - bass Alex Holzwarth - drums Additional musicians: Kai Hansen ocra aerospace - Guitar in 6 Dirk Schlächter - Guitar in 6 Sascha Paeth - electric and acoustic guitars on 6 Thomas Nack - battery 7
One of the first CDs I bought, along with "No Rest For The Wicked" Ozzy and "The Number Of The Beast" Iron ... I remember I paid about 12 reais this creek at the time ... too Cheap to one nugget of this quality! ocra aerospace I agree with previous comments, one of the best national discs Metal !!! September 9, 2010 22:00
mass disk ... if the galley combe allow me to do that I would like to post a creek bootleg this epoch or to 99 if interested send email September 9, 2010 22:07
Old, was 16 when I heard this album, is (along ocra aerospace with the Time of the oath) the cd I most heard in my life !! Metal undeniable classic, which raises us to the level of `` more maiores`` the genre !!! September 10, 2010 00:08
Angels cry and Rebirth are the best Angra do the rest is extremely annoying though they hit very well ... I have not heard the last still, André Matos new is very good, but Angels Cry has the aura of classic deservedly. September ocra aerospace 10, 2010 00:25
Angels cry and Rebirth are the best Angra do the rest is extremely boring [2] - Except for the Fireworks and the Aqua, the new, q worth VERY worth it! Have the side projects (Almah, Firesign, Freakeys, Hangar etc) I think all crap compared to Angra. I love the Angels Cry, no wonder q, in the old days of comberocks, who signed his review was the Mean here, hehe: P September 10, 2010 00:43
I have doubts ocra aerospace if I try to consider this album the best Creek, despite its undeniable treasure. The Holy Land in its own way also