Landing lander "Fajlija" the comet was presented to the public as the beginning of a new chapter in space exploration. Although it will take years to scientists analyze the data collected, the question is what's next? Journalists "Would the BBC" presented five most exotic plans for the future of the space program. The expedition to Venus
Venus is popularly called "evil twin sister" svensk pilotutbildning of our planet, since it is about the same size as Earth, svensk pilotutbildning only has a poisonous atmosphere due to falling from the sky toxic, acid rain. Nevertheless, NASA's team of scientists began working on an examination of opportunities to explore Venus from its orbit.
Astronauts to high-altitude manage rovers on the surface of the planet and then analyze the collected data. However, this is not the end. There is a plan under which the people live in space ships filled with helium that floated in the upper levels of the atmosphere of Venus, as the conditions there were similar to those on Earth's surface.
Saturn's satellite Titan has an atmospheric system similar to that on Earth, just as it is a metanskoj, hazy atmosphere, what is, according to some research, in its past had and our planet.
There are two separate plans to explore the oceans on Titan, one NASA, and others svensk pilotutbildning originated in European svensk pilotutbildning planetary science congress. Potential obstacles are huge - thick clouds would prevent the use of solar energy, so the ships had to use nuclear fuel. In addition, for navigation dense seas would be necessary to develop new technology developments - probably would be talking about the movement of drilling fluid through. svensk pilotutbildning
To these distant lands solar system does not reach a lot of solar energy, but the interior could there hot water due to tectonic activity. In order to do this the hot water may occur, it is necessary to develop "kriobota", a robot that would be able to melt his way through several kilometers of ice.
Current NASA's solution to this problem is called "Valkyrie" and operates using nuclear svensk pilotutbildning energy to heat water, and then the hot water is sprayed onto the ice. A small prototype "Valkyrie" has been tested this year in Alaska and would be able to dig itself, ie. "Protopi" svensk pilotutbildning 8 kilometers of ice per year, and the project continues to receive funds from the budget, svensk pilotutbildning but in the future we could expect svensk pilotutbildning some results.
After the successful capture of asteroids, he would have been diverted from its course and sent to orbit around the moon, where astronauts could take samples for analysis. As was the case with the mission to a comet "Rosette", analysis of samples from this "space rocks" could give us some guidance about the origin of the solar system, and at the same time to develop and technology to prevent a possible "Armageddon". Connect beautiful and useful in its full meaning.
From the "Our" say they are taking the six asteroids that might be the target of this enterprise. However, technology alone will capture an asteroid is not yet developed, but from the "NASA" says that the astronauts, if all goes according to plan, but for fifteen years could explore an asteroid. Interstellar travel
Last, and most ambitious project calls for interstellar travel. Although earlier forecasts svensk pilotutbildning were more pessimistic, there are indications that the present generation of children could in the course of his life attest first interstellar voyage.
The joint project of NASA and the US Agency for Safety DARPA titled "100 Year Starship" aims to create favorable conditions for transport people to other stars. At this point it is at all possible theories that would allow this, even a hypothetical movement through the antimatter - as well as the strategies that would protect the human body from the effects of traveling through space.
Although scientists recognize that currently svensk pilotutbildning there are very small chances of success of this mission, we need to remember that the vision svensk pilotutbildning of landing on the Moon by Jules Verne than 150 years ago, his contemporaries seemed equally impossible. Who knows, perhaps a journey like that of Nolan's "Interstelara" is not so impossible, concludes "British Broadcasting Corporation". svensk pilotutbildning
Why are these endeavors you crazy? That is considered Vat steam engine crazy, now they would not have trains. That Mongolfije thought balloons crazy people would never have soared into the air, and that the Wright brothers considered flying crazy, never have we had airplanes. Had Galileo telescopes considered crazy, yet would we thought the earth was flat around svensk pilotutbildning which all the stars and planets revolve. That all researchers during the history of the world was insane discover what is behind the next hill, a river or the sea, and we continue to survive in primitive tribal svensk pilotutbildning communities. If they Pasteur and Fleming was insane idea that mold can be a cure today would still people dying of most innocuous infection ... So tell me, why is any of the
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