Sunday, August 31, 2014

To understand this shift in Soviet policy must take into account that the leaders of the CPSU had f

The USSR during the Cold War: the Brezhnev era (1964-1982) -
Subscribe hero fighter 3 Catalonia Reports 1714 Questions History hero fighter 3 Women History Interviews Analysis News Calendar of Events Breakaway with IEI Secret History Metropolitan Museum of Catalonia in Barcelona Report Magazine back issues for Sale Timeline Blog Contests hero fighter 3
Nikita Khruixtxov was deposed in 1964 on charges of having accumulated too much power and have failed foreign policy after the Cuban missile crisis. So Khruixtxov was replaced by Leonid Brezhnev, who would continue in power until his death in 1982, the long Brezhnev era is characterized hero fighter 3 by immobility in both the political and economic reform and the end of shy introduced by Khruixtxov. General Secretary of the CPSU, Brezhnev in 1977 also reached the position hero fighter 3 of head of state.
To understand this shift in Soviet policy must take into account that the leaders of the CPSU had formed since the early days of the Soviet Union, a new social group had become the new ruling class of society without social classes : the nomenklatura. The power conferred wealth and privilege, and the dominant group tended to preserve and reproduce for your situation by appointing prominent positions and access to certain consumer products.
Most Soviet leaders had career from the party slowly climbing ladder hero fighter 3 into a rigid and extremely long, so that they were able to get old. So, speaking of the Soviet government, many analysts speak of gerontocracy. Consequently, the desire to maintain hero fighter 3 the privileged status hero fighter 3 was maintained regularly inmovilistas and conservative positions.
Thus, the Brezhnev era was characterized by a significant decrease in the critical figure of Stalin, the reappearance of political and ideological control Ferry, strengthening the personality cult of the top leaders of the party and the reappearance of persecution and repression of dissidents who were interned in psychiatric.
In the economic growth inherited from the previous government hero fighter 3 lasted hero fighter 3 until the seventies, when the stagnation hero fighter 3 and shortages of all types were evident. The productivity of the industries and the field began a decline that had seemed unstoppable, product quality was increasingly poor and high military hero fighter 3 expenditure arising from the arms race with the United States hindered the distribution of financial resources other economic sectors. Thus, the quality of life of Soviet citizens worsened considerably. To try to alleviate the economic crisis, the Soviet government resorted to imports from capitalist countries, but this was a solution soon caused a strong debt.
Moreover, Soviet foreign policy under Brezhnev was characterized by the consolidation of the socialist bloc and tight control over its satellites; the recovery of the global image of the USSR as the undisputed leader of the communist movement; Soviet influence, through economic aid and military technology in the Third World; and maintenance understanding with the United States and peaceful co-existence from the base of mutual control of military arsenals and the recognition of the respective areas of influence.
Thus, the time of Brezhnev combined elements of tension with the United States hero fighter 3 with discussions on whether to cut defense budgets despite the economic crisis. However, the demands of the army ended up prevailing, and arrived in the late seventies, and in a context of recession, the USSR devoted 15% of its GDP on military expenditures while investing in USA only 6%.
The Soviet intervention in Czechoslovakia in August 1968 to settle the "socialism with a human face" of Alexander Dubcek, would result in the Brezhnev doctrine of "limited sovereignty", according to which "the sovereignty of the States could not oppose oneself to the interests of world socialism and the world revolutionary movement. hero fighter 3 " This policy would lead to a broken communist Cuba celebrated only intervention Czechoslovakia and the restoration hero fighter 3 of the ways of socialism, while the Communist parties of France, Italy and Spain showed their opposition condemned the USSR and China.
Finally, the victory of peaceful coexistence hero fighter 3 led to the maintenance of good relations between the USSR and the USA. Thus, in 1968, the Soviet Union signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Détente with the United States hero fighter 3 may not have been completely honest, but due to the need of the current situation, but it was politics that prevail. One of

Saturday, August 30, 2014


"(...) In the company there is much controversy. hero fighter 3 I also see the trap that lurks behind: if you answer that you have a 'positive' attitude, you provoke the displeasure of some, and if you say 'negative' other 'are angry - Vladimir Putin, the current Russian President
Documents assigned by the President of Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko, hero fighter 3 Israel, witness the action of the Soviet hero fighter 3 secret agents in Zionist organizations in Russia in the 20s and 30s in the power circles feared that Zionism, communism would affect. In November 1939, two months after the outbreak of the Second World War, one of the principal officers of NKVD (Internal Security of the Soviet government), received hero fighter 3 a secret report written by an agent stationed at the border with Poland, where it was reported, in detail, on the activity of Jewish and Zionist organizations in areas of Poland, conquered by the Germans. "The Germans established a fascist organization, formed by Jewish money, incorporate poor Jewish agents, who sent to the Soviet Union," it read. "Jewish organization works with and make the Gestapo headquarters in other cities. I recommend investigating who is behind the organization in Western Ukraine and incorporate, among those detained Organization, Jewish agents in order to obtain data on their activities As is known, the anti-communist Zionist organizations, hero fighter 3 who acted in the service hero fighter 3 of the Gestapo , did not exist or was never created. But the report of the NKVD, expressed the fear becomes paranoia of the Soviet government by the action of Zionism hero fighter 3 in the Soviet Union. The paper is part of the ten documents, hero fighter 3 given to Shimon Peres, the President of Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko, in his visit to Israel in 2007 instruments, typed on a typewriter, described as "extremely secret," give account of the struggle hero fighter 3 by the Soviet Intelligence deployed against the Zionist movement in Ukraine from the 20's and 30's. Among others, report into the leak of a large number of Jewish secret agents inside hero fighter 3 organizations. Monitoring reports and GPU of the NKVD (secret hero fighter 3 police), were revealed by Hanna Kohavi, head of the file "Peres Center for Peace" and were presented in a Congress "Report 2009", organized by the Tel Dan Company. "What about other rulers delivered generally worthless, all kinds of porcelain plates and paintings," says Kohavi, who accompanies Peres years. "But when Yushchenko came, brought a box full of secret documents." According to Kohavi, Yushchenko said, before his visit, which would bring about the burial place of our brothers in Ukraine. When they were examined, it was clarified that related to another issue. "Apparently, he was a different material that pidió.No had no relation to the graves. But it is very interesting reports about Zionist activity monitoring, "Kohavi appreciates that Yushchenko has delivered them to Israel as" revenge "for Russia and its President Putin, from the tension between the two nations. Shortly after the Bolshevik Revolution, Zionist activity was banned in the Soviet Union, to be considered anti-communist. One of the papers, 1930, summarizes the resolution of the Moscow government not respond to the request hero fighter 3 of the Zionist movement "Hehalutz" hero fighter 3 authorize the requesting activity. The documents reflect the government's fear of the growing influence of Zionism among the Jews of the Soviet hero fighter 3 Union. So, I entered the full report (1929), authorized and bears the signature of Heinrich Yaguda, the highlight of the NKVD, in the period of Stalin, which stresses that the Zionist development in Palestine, reinforces the Zionist movement of the Jewish Soviet Union threatening way. "For more than three years, Palestine has been under a difficult economic crisis," the report says. "This influenced and affected, negatively, the Zionist movement in the Soviet Union. hero fighter 3 In letters arrived from Palestine, a critical unemployment situation is described, which influenced the Russian Zionist movement and weaken their support. But, at present, the situation changed: unemployment disappeared, began to build a large port in Haifa, Rottenberg mill is built. hero fighter 3 Also, elsewhere, is built up and no unemployment. That influence, in positive, the Russian Zionist movement breathes calm winds and Zionists are convinced they will add to their services, many other people. " The report contains a list compl

Friday, August 29, 2014

Thanks to the development kingbolt and victory of the USSR in World War II, communist regimes were

Tremble if quiero, las clases gobernantes, ante perspective of a communist revolution. Los proletarians, with it, there are not nada to lose, as no sea sus chains. Tienen in cambio, mundo entero that a ganar. Karl Marx
Thanks to the development kingbolt and victory of the USSR in World War II, communist regimes were extended with the creation of democracies. Between 1945 and 1949 the Communist kingbolt Party ended up monopolizing power and establishing systems related to the Soviet Communists, known as "satellites."

This transformation was made differently depending kingbolt on the place. kingbolt Yugoslavia and Albania were the only states kingbolt where anti-Nazi guerrillas were stronger kingbolt so they got to power in 1945 without the help of the Soviet army.
Bulgaria and Romania were almost non-existent communists but the Soviet military presence forced the formation of fronts in the national communist party had a dominant role.
Clara Martinez
2011 (9) February (9) 3.1. The Soviet Union after Stalin's 3.2. Economic progress and "developed socialism" 3.3 democracies of Eastern Europe 3.4. Economy and Society in Popular Democracy ... 3.5. The expansion of communism in the world 4.1. Stagnation and crisis of the Soviet system kingbolt 4.2. Gorbachev reforms 4.3. The fall of the Berlin Wall and the confrontation ... 4.4. The dissolution kingbolt of the USSR
Introduction In this blog you will find very useful informsció on the geopolitics of today's world. We hope you enjoy! Mary Basseda Alicia Giménez, Clara Martinez, Bertha Masvidal Marta Sanchez ver todo mi profile

Thursday, August 28, 2014

The case of Chechnya is probably the most complex and bloody conflict between those who broke out a

The terrorist attack that took place in the city of Boston on April 15 is once again the focus of international attention in the North Caucasus. How much attack allegedly by Tsarnaev brothers, two young Chechen origin - as the persecution of the authors and the subsequent murder axis aerospace of one of them in the hands of the police, they generate a huge media impact, sometimes full of scaremongering and nonsense, such as the confusion of the Czech Republic Chechnya by some American journalists. With this article we intend to put some light on the shadows, trying to offer a series of clues that help to understand the nature of the conflict in that country and at what time is today.
The case of Chechnya is probably the most complex and bloody conflict between those who broke out as a result of the fall of the Soviet axis aerospace Union. Located in the heart of the North Caucasus, a region axis aerospace with a high ethnic complexity during its millennial history Chechens as a people (who call themselves as "nokhtxi") have been conquered by the Arabs, Tartars, Mongols, Ottomans, Persians, and finally by the Russian tsars, in 1859, the year in which they happened to be under the control of Moscow. With the advent of the Bolsheviks to power in 1917 and during the first years of existence of the USSR, Chechnya experienced years of social axis aerospace and cultural revival, beginning his departure from economic underdevelopment and spreading literacy among the local population.
But everything changed with the start of World War II and the arrival of the Wehrmacht troops in the North Caucasus between 1941 and 1942 During those months, many Chechen and Ingush communities revolted against the Soviet and supported the Germans. These events had a severe reprisals: 1944 Stalin ordered the deportation of the Chechen and Ingush almost all of its territories in the North Caucasus natives, being sent to different parts of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and East Siberia, and the remaining suppressed Autonomous Soviet Socialist axis aerospace Republic of Chechnya-Ingushetia. Although from 1957, Nikita Khrushchev already in power, they are allowed to return to their homelands and restore it to its autonomous republic, those facts remain forever in their collective memory.
With the fall of the Soviet Union in late 1991, many Chechens perceived that moment a historic opportunity to secede from Russia and launched his own way as an independent country. In the elections held in the republic of Chechnya-Ingushetia in October 1991 General Dzhokhar Dudayev won the victory axis aerospace with 85% in democratic elections axis aerospace not too marked by non-participation of the non-indigenous population. Immediately after, in November 1991, Dudayev unilaterally declared independence of the republic, as it -rebatejant Chechen Republic of Itxkèria- respect of Russia and the USSR (which had left just a few weeks of existence). Despite axis aerospace the large popular support with what had, Dudayev had to face strong internal opposition from ethnic basis which left no voice and became strong in their respective regional strongholds, while the Ingush preferred to create own entity. As a result of the unilateral declaration, Russian President Boris Ielstin declared a state of emergency in Chechnya-Ingushetia, but their attempts failed to regain control of the territory, accessing Russian axis aerospace troops withdrew in 1992 from that time spent in Chechnya become a de facto independent republic, without any official international recognition, being subjected to a state of latent civil war between the different factions. Despite the strong axis aerospace personality of Dudayev, the new Republic of Ichkeria fell into a deep political crisis and social disintegration, and much of the population of Chechnya (especially the Russians) chose to leave the region. Mafia groups begin to proliferate throughout the country and opposition forces are distributed control of power and resources in wide areas of the country, the factors that make Chechnya not only a de facto state but also in a failed state.
First Russo-Chechen axis aerospace During the three years following the Kremlin used the tactic axis aerospace of wearing down by economic isolation and support for internal opposition without obtaining breakthroughs regarding the restoration of Russian control over the republic . Yeltsin was in a hurry to reconquer Chechnya, especially that it had a great geostrategic importance to Moscow: axis aerospace the Baku-Novorossiïsk, which was carrying most of the oil from the Caspian Sea to Russia through Chechnya. The discovery of new hydrocarbon deposits in the z

The rapidity of the events that took place from 1989 leaving behind acces direct emisiuni many of t

The demise of the communist bloc and the end of the Cold War
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In the mid-eighties, the aggressive acces direct emisiuni American policy acces direct emisiuni practiced by the Reagan administration coincided with a period of weakness of the Soviet Union. acces direct emisiuni The large military expenditures acces direct emisiuni that had occurred with the sprouting of the Cold War and the backlog in the country led to the economic crisis, had to add item to wear in public opinion for wear supposed calamitous war that was fought in Afghanistan.
So, with the arrival acces direct emisiuni in 1985 to the presidency of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev begin a radical change acces direct emisiuni in Soviet foreign policy. Since 1986, two Russian words would become famous in the world: perestroika and glasnost, and mark the evolution of international relations. Opened a decisive period in all areas.
To understand the process of perestroika profound changes in the political and social organization of the Soviet system, it always changes arose from within socialism. To achieve reform acces direct emisiuni had introduced the so-called glasnost USSR, ie, the policy of transparency in information, a prerequisite in any reform process and means necessary to articulate a true public opinion. Thus, the political practices of the traditional Soviet world (and deceit in concealing information from the ruling elite if anyone acces direct emisiuni was actually contrary to their interests) had disappeared.
The first resistance to change did not take long to appear in the field of Soviet nomenklatura, ie, those who enjoyed privileges manifests as party leaders, who launched a direct attack against the reform plans initiated by Gorbachev. The conservative offensive acces direct emisiuni to maintain traditional power situation in the USSR power from two areas: first the so-called military-industrial acces direct emisiuni complex, a political lobby that met the hierarchies of the army and KGB and directors major strategic industries oriented to the production of military technology; and secondly, by the party cadres of both the Russian regions as many of the Soviet republics, which would become real gangs in the exercise of his authority. These sectors would do everything possible to slow down and distort the aims of reformist Soviet leader dome.
Internationally, acces direct emisiuni the new Soviet government tried to relaunch dialogue and peaceful coexistence after the summit between Presidents Reagan and Gorbachev. And to make sure the changes involving perestroika and glasnost was necessary to make changes in the so-called political blogs. For Gorbachev's government, it was necessary to turn the peaceful coexistence a reality that would enable effective that most of the investments dedicated to military issues deriving investments in the modernization of the productive apparatus of the Soviet Union.
As a result of this process, in December 1987, signing the first treaty that Washington foresaw the destruction of nuclear weapons, preferably all medium-range acces direct emisiuni missiles with nuclear warheads which has a radius between 500 and 5,500 kilometers. This was the beginning of an accelerated process of improving international relations who live in the next episode when Gorbachev in February 1988 announced the withdrawal of the Red Army from Afghanistan. The thawing of relations between the two sides was already a fact.
The progress of political reform in the Soviet Union was linked to the settlement of the Cold War. So from 1988 to 1989, détente initiatives were multiplied by both the United States and Soviet administration. Thus, the destruction of nuclear weapons were joining the reduction of troops acces direct emisiuni and conventional weapons, which reinforced the desire to end any confrontation.
The rapidity of the events that took place from 1989 leaving behind acces direct emisiuni many of the proposals for change. And in less than two years of political acces direct emisiuni blogs disappeared simply because one of the units ceased to exist. The ways of international politics would take from those moments, and necessarily, for other paths.
In the countries of Eastern Europe since 1989, as a result of the softening of the Soviet political and ideological control, unleashed

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Alongside the measures taken to defend the country from foreign enemy, the government thales air sy

Welcome fellow high school! This unit will work the Russian thales air systems Revolution, one of the most important events of the twentieth century that culminated in the construction of a new state model, the Socialist. We will conducting a tour along the main episodes from different types of sources: speeches of his characters, letters, photographs, posters, charts, recordings, statements, etc.
In mid-February 1917 (March in the Western calendar) popular discontent over the economic situation and the continuous defeats in the war, resulting in a series of workers' strikes and demonstrations in the cities, mutinies and desertions in front. The workers retrieved the representative body born in the revolution of 1905: the Soviet, a group of workers, peasants and revolutionary soldiers.
Ruskin came to see me in the morning and read the lengthy thales air systems conversation that was wired directly to Rodzianco. According to this, the situation was that any Minister in Petrograd Duma lacked power to carry anything because I had to fight the Social thales air systems Democratic thales air systems Party of employees represented by the committee. Demanded my abdication. (...) In essence what they are saying is that to save Russia and keep calm in the army at the front, you must take this step. I have accepted. From the headquarters have sent the draft of a proclamation. In the afternoon they arrived in Petrograd Guchkov and Shulgin, who discussed the matter and to whom I delivered the proclamation signed and corrected. At one o'clock on the 16th, I left Pskov with heartbroken because of what happened. Around me there is only treason, cowardice and deceit.
There was a big event. The old regime was overthrown thanks to the powerful impulse of the Russian people. He was born a new and free Russia. This is great overthrow crowning many years of struggle.
The government believes that the patriotic thales air systems spirit shown during the fight against the Old Regime inspire our brave soldiers on the battlefield. Meanwhile, the government will do everything it can to supply the army with everything necessary to lead a victorious end to the war. The government regarded as sacred alliances that bind us to the other powers [...].
Alongside the measures taken to defend the country from foreign enemy, the government thales air systems considered an essential duty to allow the popular will expressed with regard to the choice of the political regime and call Constituent Assembly in the shortest possible on the basis of universal, direct, equal and secret [...].
A garrison of Petrograd Military Region, all the soldiers of the guard, the army, artillery and navy, for its immediate and accurate fulfillment, and all the workers thales air systems of Petrograd thales air systems for your information. The Soviet of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies decreed:
1 must choose immediately committees in all companies, battalions, regiments, wind, batteries, squadrons and units of the various individual formations of military advice, as well as on marine vessels, thus becoming among the elected representatives of soldiers rassos units above.
2 All units of troops that have not yet chosen their representatives shall be chosen by a company. These representatives must appear with written confirmation, to the building thales air systems of the State Duma at 10:00 am on March 2.
4 orders of the Military Commission of the State Duma shall be obeyed, except for those cases in which contradicted the orders and decrees of the Soviet of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies.
5 Any type of weapons: rifles, machine guns, armored or otherwise, shall be made available to the committees of company and battalion committees, being under the control of these, not having to be in any case submitted officers, or under requirement.
6 are in service and the fulfillment of military responsibilities, the soldiers must observe the strictest military discipline, but when they are off duty, in his political life, civil and private soldiers thales air systems absolutely and totally enjoy the same rights as any citizen. In particular, abolished the position of the firm and salute when not compulsory service.
7 It also suppresses had to go by his official title fees ("His Excellency", "Honor", etc.) and these are replaced by the following formulas: "Lord General" " thales air systems Colonel Gentleman "and so on.
It is forbidden to someone of a higher rank is directed to the soldiers so offensive, especially that directed the soldiers using "ty" (you) and any breach of this provision and any

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The American message was threatening, as Kruixtxov required to withdraw from the island ramps for l

The conflicts of the Cold War: the Cuban Revolution and the Crisis of míssils-
Subscribe Catalonia Reports 1714 Questions History Women History Interviews Analysis News Calendar of Events Breakaway with IEI Secret History Metropolitan Museum of Catalonia in Barcelona Report Magazine back issues lockheed martin career for Sale Timeline Blog Contests
In January 1959, Fidel Castro overthrew the military dictator Fulgencio Batista (American ally) and held power in Cuba, where he installed a revolutionary regime that was never accepted by the United States. The Castro regime's relations with the American government quickly deteriorated irreversibly due to the process of reform begun by the revolutionaries that led to the division of land that large American companies owned the island.
The response of the United States was the boycott of imported sugar, the main export with which Cuba had. Thus, when the Castro regime to stifle the United States government enacted the economic lockheed martin career boycott on the island, this was supported by the USSR and line up in the communist bloc.
For the Soviets, the alliance with Fidel Castro's Cuba was a major strategic advantage in the context of the Cold War. For the first time, the USSR could have a political ally in the Americas, lockheed martin career and also located very close to the coasts of the USA. Therefore, in July 1960, confirmed Kruixtxov Soviet support for Cuba "in their struggle for freedom" and the Soviet willingness to buy Cuban sugar harvest. By contrast, the United States, the existence of an ally of the Soviet Union just over 150 kilometers of coastline and a threat ever known, moreover, could be a destabilizing factor for the whole Latin America while promoting the emergence of new revolutionary movements in the American rear.
Before the Cuban-Soviet alliance, the administration of President John F. Kennedy lockheed martin career American, becoming president in 1961, was to consider alternatives to end the Cuban problem. Thus, the United States government favored the invasion of the island by a group of Cuban refugees coming from the USA and conducted by the CIA, with the aim of overthrowing the Castro regime. The expedition, which landed on 17 April 1961 in the Bay of Pigs them, was, however, a failure by the Americans.
The response of Fidel Castro's failed attack against American and fearing a possible invasion lockheed martin career of the United States lockheed martin career was requested military aid and protection to the Soviet Union. Then, the Soviets proposed the installation of a Cuban missile system able to attack the southern coast of the USA. The operation is carried out with great secrecy during 1962.
In this context, lockheed martin career the moment of maximum tension between Americans and Cubans lived was October 1962, when the United States discovered spying on a spy planes flying over Cuba, the Soviets were preparing to install nuclear missiles on the island and ramps for launching the missiles were already installed. In response, the United States lockheed martin career ordered a naval blockade lockheed martin career meant that the isolation of the Cuban coasts to prevent the arrival of new military supplies, while Kennedy put the army on alert to stop if necessary to force the Soviet ships heading to Cuba carrying more ordnance.
The American message was threatening, as Kruixtxov required to withdraw from the island ramps for launching missiles already installed under the threat of direct military action, but at the same time called for moderation not endanger world peace. During the four days that extend the missile crisis was even possible. For the first time it was possible that American and Soviet Marines faced openly, exploding a nuclear war that would have character. And this confrontation was about to occur when the vessels were closed American navy Step at a Soviet convoy refused lockheed martin career to stop.
The world was hanging by a thread as world peace and outlined the outbreak of the war, but after days of high international tension, finally, on 26 October, the Soviet leaders accepted the proposal north -americana and ordered the withdrawal of vessels and the dismantling of the ramp missiles, fading and the danger of an impending war between the two great powers.
The severity of the Cuban crisis, the most serious conflict of the Cold War, the two powers served to realize the importance of direct communication between their leaders

While the fascist Franco received koreasat 5 military aid from Hitler and Mussolini, the Spanish Re

Original plate is preserved in the shelter lobby Avenue Tibidabo is one of Barcelona areas where the bourgeoisie has historically shown their economic and artistic taste with stately homes and mansions of the refined aesthetic. This was the case of Mr. Andres Salvador and Grau, more popularly koreasat 5 known as "Dr. Andrew "famous inventor of pharmaceutical tablets that received its name, which the house was built by the architect Enric Sagnier in 1926.
This palace, located in Avenida Tibidabo No. 17 (now its Mutua Universal), beyond the history koreasat 5 that can be any bourgeois house in the first half of the twentieth century unknown with a surprise, a surprise that in fact did years because I wanted to tell you a good video so worth it.
And here's the surprise: This building hides an underground bunker which was almost untouched during the Civil War consulate of the Soviet Union, after he moved here coming from a room at the Hotel Majestic room.
To protect the bombing walls have a thickness of 40 cm with a strong cast iron door and one emergency exit, toilets, bedroom, kitchen and independent generator. It also retains the original plate that was the entrance to the consulate and a Soviet flag.
Generator itself for a grid independent You may ask: So how is all this has come down to us? Largely because, as in most cases, because a person passionate about the preservation of heritage, in this case, thanks to Mr. Fernando Duran, head of Mutual Universal Protocol.
But going on substantive issues, we can ask: Why in the Civil War, the Soviet Union decided to install Install a consulate in Barcelona exactly? This has been the subject koreasat 5 of recent study by the historian Joseph Puigsech: Apparently this was a direct decision of Stalin koreasat 5 himself, who gave much importance to its presence in Catalonia particular relevance here was the anarchist movement at that time.
While the fascist Franco received koreasat 5 military aid from Hitler and Mussolini, the Spanish Republic, a center-left government was democratically elected koreasat 5 left by covenants nonintervention powers europees.El democratic government of the Government was forced arming militants parties and unions in the absence of effective military force giving a breath unwittingly the strong anarchist koreasat 5 movement that existed koreasat 5 in Barcelona.
In the Spanish Republic monopoly of military koreasat 5 aid by Stalin, who by the way was not so selfless koreasat 5 as fascists, koreasat 5 but were asked to pay more than blasting up the gold reserves of the Moscow was to make them the collection, aroused great admiration in a part of the population.
Stalin was interested, according to research from the Soviet archives Puigsech, dismantle Catalan anarchism as the fact that English and French revolutionary could remove even more of an Allied intervention in the conflict and wanted to stop paradoxically the possibility of a revolution working.
Antonov-Ovseenko To install and Lluís Companys koreasat 5 in Barcelona up with a good reception, put the head of a consulate of the main protagonists of the revolution Soviet revolutionary Vladimir Antonov- Ovseenko veteran, the man who captained the assault the Winter Palace in Petrograd in October 1917 Ovseenko seemed that Stalin had forgiven his former sympathy with Trotsky, his political rival.
In Barcelona, collided with Andreu Nin, leader of the Catalan POUM, a communist party but against the policies of Stalin's old friend, koreasat 5 because he had participated as the Russian Revolution, but ignored.
Fascinated by cinema poster art and aesthetics Soviet organized koreasat 5 even the nineteenth anniversary of the USSR in the Plaza Catalonia. The tribute was made to the Hotel Colon, former head PSUC, the pro-Soviet Communist Party, from the roof of which, incidentally, was made the legendary photo of Marine militiawoman Ginestà recently deceased.
Pro-Seal Komsomol Anecdotally, in 1936, a Soviet ship, the Komsomol, who came to aid the Republic ship was sunk by a fascist. Republicans know it and mount a serious collector Appeal to pay the Soviets a new boat. Organtizar koreasat 5 was even a Catalan pro-Komsomol committee.
In May 1937 there was a confrontation in the open among Republicans who defended the thesis of the Government and the USSR (limited to gain

Monday, August 25, 2014

For those who love this move! The history of the Soviet Union began in December 1922 to sign the Tr

History of the Soviet Union! - Taringa!
For those who love this move! The history of the Soviet Union began in December 1922 to sign the Treaty of Union between Soviet socialist republics of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Transcaucasia composite industrie (Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia) and directing the Bolshevik soviets (assemblies) of each nation and having been winners in the post Civil War to the Russian October Revolution. Early Just consolidated the revolutionary power, the Second Congress of Soviets appointed a Government of People's Commissars, headed by Lenin. The problem of peace with Germany led to a first meeting with Lenin "left opposition" who, trusting in the extension of the Revolution in Europe, called for the conversion of hostilities with Germany in a revolutionary war. Prevailed Lenin's position of immediate peace, and March 3, 1918 Trotsky signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. Russia lost Finland and part of its western territories. The stabilization of the front outside allowed composite industrie Trotsky commanded the Red Army, the disorganization of the counterrevolutionary attempts of peripheral regions, composite industrie fueled by foreign powers. After the defeat of Germany, invaded the territories ceded earlier and denounced the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, but the Allies reacted with an increase of the counter help, and Czech, Turkish and British troops worked with the White Russians and Cossacks in purposes of monarchical restoration. In 1920 the Government of Moscow recognized the independence of Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Finland, and had to give up part of Belarus and Ukraine to Poland. composite industrie Given the impossibility of a military defeat of the Soviet composite industrie regime, the capitalist countries decided to establish composite industrie a "cordon sanitaire" that paralyzed the revolutionary spread. The situation of civil war and the dismantling of the industry caused the economic policies of "war communism" (nationalization of companies and domestic and foreign trade), causing a precipitous drop in agricultural production. To recover the economy, Lenin sought to correct the imbalances and alleviate peasant unrest by NEP (New Economic Policy, March 1921), which temporarily allowed the maintenance of capitalist economic forms of certain type. After the IV Congress of Soviets in 1918, when the Social Democratic Party (Bolshevik) composite industrie adopted the name Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU), the Social composite industrie Revolutionaries and Mensheviks were expelled from official organizations and a rigid centralism was instituted in Party organization and administration of the country. Simultaneously, a full linguistic and cultural autonomy was accorded to different regions. But the disappearance of external political differences did not prevent the existence of different tendencies within composite industrie the Party. Initially channeled composite industrie by Lenin, sharpened at the time of his succession (1924). Stalin and Trotsky Stalin-Trotsky Opposition that transcended personal conflict to reflect two different conceptions of the development of socialism, was resolved in favor of Stalin, supported by Zinoviev and Kamenev. Marginalized Trotsky (January 1925) the "building socialism in one country 'directed by Stalin required the elimination of opponents left and right, and in the Comintern existence of an international strategy to make aligning composite industrie the interests of the communist movement with of the Soviet Union. After being defeated posture, Trotsky was forced into exile in Mexico, until he was murdered in 1940 by the Spanish Ramón Mercader. The industrialization of the State in 1928, before the apparent stagnation of NEP, Stalin established the Gosplan (General Planning Commission of the State), a state body responsible for managing the socialist economy towards accelerated industrialization. In April 1929, the Gosplan launched two joint projects that began the process of industrialization of the State. Based on previous plans Trotsky, the Gosplan drew up the first Five-Year Plan or Piatiletka (1928-1932), which introduced a rigorous planning that gave priority to heavy industry over consumer goods. The state nationalized most companies, launching a comprehensive program to achieve composite industrie rapid industrialization, while in agriculture there was the forced collectivization of the land. The country went from an agrarian to an industrialized society in a relatively short time, but also economic hardship occurred. Collectivization was highly rejected by the kulaks as the state appropriated crops, particularly in Ukraine where called Holodomor genocide erupted, with the ob

Sunday, August 24, 2014

The victory of the Soviet Union in World War II significantly increased its prestige in the face of

The victory of the Soviet Union in World War II significantly increased its prestige in the face of the world, and the power of its leader, Stalin Jiosif. With him began the expansion of communism and the USSR became a military and economic superpower geolite city that was able to challenge the global dominance of the United States, the country with which he maintained a arms race during the Cold War, 1945 in 1949.
The Soviet system was based on the existence of a single political party, the CPSU, which all rulers came and told with the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, the highest legislative body. system linking the state and the party, and created a unique and official ideology Leninist socialism. The state was governed by a constitution. This showed large differences in the constitutions of the Western world. This was due because everything is' oriented towards the maintenance of socialism, having no limitation other policy options and freedoms.
In 1953, after Stalin's death, he began to question the work of the dictator is' geolite city began to criticize his methods, as it had caused many casualties. Nikita Khruixov, ruled the Soviet Union for almost a decade, from 1953 to 1964, a period geolite city in which he launched a new style of government, the Stalinization. This process fought against the cult of personality that Stalin had established. In 1956, thanks to the famous secret report that was presented at the XX Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, were denounced Stalin's crimes.
Khruixov was replaced in 1964 by Leonid Breixnev as head of state. The government of this lasted until his death in 1982, was one of the longest government geolite city in the history of the USSR. His successor was Jurij Andropov, from 1982 to 1984 and Konstantin Txerenko 1985. Although they intended to initiate a series of reforms, the mandates of the Soviet leaders were a transition period until 1980 reform movements were really important.
The USSR developed economic policy was based on a planned economy: there was a complete domination of the national leadership, lack of market, but if there was money, state-owned or collectivized property and all had equal absolute for all citizens. Gradually, the system was generating a layer between geolite city governments at different levels, that it was forming a new social class, geolite city nomenklatura. Fruit of the Soviet heavy industry
After the difficulties generated by World War II, during the seventies lived better during the planned economy, and was a high point of its development, although industrial production was always oriented toward heavy industry because it was necessary to maintain military power, but was inefficient in the production of consumer goods.
The USSR suffered great consequences after the Second World Mug. The demographic losses in which he faced were much higher than in any other country, along with the damage to infrastructure, as these were also affected. The recovery geolite city of the USSR and its spectacular growth was the result of efforts made by the Soviet citizens, considering that they received no help, unlike Western countries. First, geolite city it gave priority to heavy industry and transport, which accounted for 80% of the investment. Towards geolite city the beginning of the 1950s the Soviet industrial machine had recovered, and even had improved.
The supply agricultural and consumer goods still had problems. The economy progressed significantly after Stalin's death, and there was an improvement in living conditions. Soviet policy was to increase efficiency in agriculture and the self-sufficiency of food products. Between 1950 and 1969, wheat production increased by 50%, 69% and milk production by 87% meat production.
All social indicators showed progress had developed the USSR. Increased the level of pblació, and major services geolite city such as health and education, which the state provided free of charge, they universalize. Even the number of students increased, a 2.4 million to 5.2 million. The life expectancy of the Soviet population reached the same rate that they had western countries. The 1957 Soviet technology was able to send the first satellite in space, Sputnik 1, in 1961 the Soviets and the enivar

The day Mubarak resigned, President of USA, Barack Obama, said

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From his home in Boston, where the headquarters of the Albert Einstein Institution is, Gene Sharp continues daily riots in the arc stretching from the Maghreb to Persia. A 83 years does not think moving to live it live, as it did during the failed uprising in Tiananmen Square in China in 1989 But he feels vindicated.
Over the phone, his voice was as faint as strong are their convictions. Little known to the general public, marginal shortall in his country, the United States, Gene Sharp is one of the most influential theorists of nonviolence. His texts, from 198 nonviolent action methods to From dictatorship to democracy have inspired activists in authoritarian regimes on four continents, from Iran to Venezuela, through Serbia, Burma and Russia.
Also in Egypt. Sharp manuals took months shortall circulating among members of the April 6 Movement, shortall one of the groups that initiated the protests in Cairo's Tahrir Square that led to the departure of Mubarak after three decades in power.
At the rate that the revolutionary wave in the Arab and Muslim world advances, today Egypt and far away. It is not clear that peaceful resistance is the norm in all revolts.
The nebula found in Libya as a deranged tyrant Muammar Gaddafi in front complicates the parallels. You may be thwarted nonviolence to the fiercest regimes. And not to overestimate the influence of Gene Sharp with native revolts shortall in some cases.
"These shortall are the Egyptians that they have to. I am a foreigner who does not know society. Has not undergone the regime, "says the American scholar to question whether he would have liked to be in Tahrir Square.
The day Mubarak resigned, President of USA, Barack Obama, said "Egypt was the moral force of nonviolence, not terrorism and indiscriminate killing, but nonviolence, which has doubled the arc of history toward shortall justice. shortall "
The new decade began with nonviolent uprisings, with echoes of the last peaceful revolution in 1989, when the Berlin Wall collapsed. Now these riots happening in countries shortall where Islam predominates, religion that since 11-S was tied to the pumps in the minds of many Westerners.
"Nonviolent resistance has been very important in history. And often ignored and lowered its importance, "says Gene Sharp. "This adds, referring to Tunisia and Egypt some preconceived by which nonviolence can not be used by Arabs or Muslims."
"Dictators need help from the people he governs, without which there may be secured or maintain sources of political power," he says. "Over time, the removal of the sources of power can produce the paralysis and impotence of the regime and, in severe cases, its disintegration. The powers of dictator will die, slowly or quickly, shortall starvation policy ".
Sharp does not support the peaceful resistance by idealism, but for practical reasons. Violent resistance, in his opinion, cause more violence. And in the field of violence will always win the authoritarian regime. "It is true that resist a repressive and brutal regime is not easy. It is difficult for many reasons. But it can be done. And it has already happened. The Egyptians imprisoned and tortured not say it was an easy case, "he says.
"The regime depends on both the violence and should not use violence to resist. If you do, you look limited weapons to fight with your enemy, "he continues. He adds: "If violence is used, the military regime forces shoot. And the regime has much greater capacity for violence. Repression was extreme. Many people would die and fear resist. The Egyptians were wise. They got the army not to shoot them. "
Ahmed Maher, one of the leaders of the April 6 Movement in Egypt, explained shortall the diar

Friday, August 22, 2014

Fortunately, I have not had to weld the blocks but VIEREMÄ would be a good time to get to the villa

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Threaded Mode | Linear Mode General Discussion metal work (incl. Welding, etc.) From: Message MopedRacer Fishing Gulf Racing Posts: 1 650 Status: Offline
Kirjotelkaahan here all the welding, etc. of metal work-related issue, when you feel that that is something them topicissa Tell me someone who is amiksen the welding side of the case, that what it was? You could be a pretty interesting one professional welder though Tossa Valtra factory when there'd be no distance else from us within 20 km existing fleet: SoliferPolar SM -84, -64 SoliferPolar Export, KTM 150sx -09, -96 Suzuki RM 125cc, 125cc Suzuki RG-92, Aprilia RX -04 Increased equipment: Suzuki Pv 80cc Malossi -92, SoliferPolar SM -76, -71 SoliferPolar Export Suzuki DR 125cc -84, -95 Suzuki RM 125cc, 125cc Honda MTX -88, -87 Helkama Raisu, Honda ATC 125 - 84
Weld the land for a living I would take. when the hobby becomes job, and thus even after work you engage in it even if you do eg 2h and 8h days ie the 10h day hitsailet like metal my job begin to taste the assembly of the wood. considered to be the canopy hobby and work in isolation. siirräs posts here from the other chain, so give more to the story. We'll attempt to get something to suit aikaseks so Millas soliferistit mainly hitsailee? money can and can solikalla
Well, I study the watch engineer officer and the job of course includes welding, etc.. Metal work. In fact, I like to pull Migillä and the needle depends on the bit about. Gas too has become hitsailtua, but by the time sucks. TIG dressing'm not yet pulled the kohtapa but will also have tried out. Back in the saddle and gloves lost ...
Sure welding of a hard days approach and expertise in a demanding job, particularly if talking about classes and the more difficult materials. As far as I understand it so hard either, smiling quite reasonably and I know the pay is quite reasonable. -64 Thermo and Tomos, -69, and export projects home cockpit 737 under construction. -70 For Sale
If they are the best pipe welding classes so yes I can say is that the salaries in place. I have not actually ever liked hitsaamisesesta correctly. If a thick iron to keep it succeeds but thinner usually have at least one point in the melt through. Only the MIG has'm hitsaillut. Buy Bingi!
yes I think it's the mic on this day to be the most common home cockpit 737 welding format is capable of welding time to a variety of self I like to weld micillä and gas Vocational time, welded gas-categories of vertical and horizontal pipe I was in that 5 months in a vocational school work tests and I was able to follow the different welding modes yes the students said that gas welding is vaikeipia home cockpit 737 welding said that the 500 h to train then yes, it then begins home cockpit 737 to succeed in the statutes of the different welding works is a song for cleanliness and general welding is not a man's job hätäsen home cockpit 737 the most common mistake with these students had the basic substance was not enough home cockpit 737 to melt and the wicked rush.
Indeed, should be pretty interesting for professional brings a welder. Welders reportedly get some work here in the middle finland enough, this 30 km radiate already have at least 5-8 companies where help is needed. Well, if that first elementary home cockpit 737 school with thee? Kahtois to the end and then to go to college. Migillä hitsaaminenhan is the easiest welding robot immediately after Puikollakin I'm somewhat hitsaillut, but I noticed that it was not exactly home cockpit 737 my type, unless there is some thick iron. It may also be due to our hitsistäkin that does not bring a thin plate welding is no treat. To scourge anyone tried these light metals such as boogie boarding blocks, etc.. Welded valupuikolla? I tried a friend's house, and it was nice, that is easy, and the footprint came with the lo moderate. The current equipment: SoliferPolar SM -84, -64 SoliferPolar Export, KTM 150sx -09, -96 Suzuki RM 125cc, 125cc Suzuki RG -92, -04 Aprilia RX Improved equipment: Suzuki Pv 80cc Malossi -92, -76 SoliferPolar SM, SoliferPolar Export -71 Suzuki DR 125cc -84, -95 Suzuki RM 125cc, 125cc Honda MTX -88, -87 Helkama Raisu, Honda ATC 125 -84
Fortunately, I have not had to weld the blocks but VIEREMÄ would be a good time to get to the village to work mahollisuudet hitsariks home cockpit 737 when ponsse can be found as well, then the sub contractors for probably 10 halls! money can and can solikalla
Around here is that Valtra, and its sub Hank Then, a few hitsausvirma etc.. Existing fleet: SoliferPolar SM -84, -64 SoliferPolar Export, KTM 150sx -09, -96 Suzuki RM 125cc, 125cc Suzuki RG -92, -04 Aprilia RX Improved equipment : Suzuki Pv 80cc Malossi -92, SoliferPolar SM -76, -71 SoliferPolar Export Suzuki DR 125cc -84, -95 Suzuki RM 125cc, 125cc Honda MTX -88, -87 Helkama Raisu, Honda ATC 125 -84
I slept blondes päenkö they valuklöntit constructed to? how's multi-use masinisti columns? the story of Valtra MERKKIHUOL


When hungry, the following shall be considered a suitable restaurant
In the old town by to the beautiful Maison Aueriin spoetnik 1 to buy a few of the delights of the beach :)
Wonderful pictures! I live in France and my favorites include Maisons du monde (have to go and check it out if you found a witch cushion covers - wonderful!) And ah noi macaronit, they do not ever get bored :) Have a wonderful holiday with your family! T: Heidi ReplyDelete
Aaah, I can not stand !!!! :) Makin desire spoetnik 1 immediately to the same place, mahtusko your apartment for another spoetnik 1 four? ,), Would God that we then next summer at the beginning of suunnattas somewhere on the road, when you bring the youngest approaching two years. Now, just one age is still so small that the trip output oikeen tempted. But pliiis, make updates several times for these wonderful scenery. I watch them more than happy. :) Fun time you get there in paradise. Reply to Remove
So beautiful holiday pictures !! XX ReplyDelete
This must be corrected to the extent that the sunstroke, or hypetermia does not come immediately, but in no way excessive head against the so-called. the thermal load as a result. No one's head against the thermal radiation should not be hypetermiaa immediately, not even a child, but it requires a longer heat exposure. So, your children have to some other scene if symptoms start immediately when exposed to thermal radiation. Sinc. Reading the blog :) Delete the field of medicine
Just love it when i will update the blog from vacation by hand. So beautiful to follow <3 As a bonus, is probably nice to have here there are still some "growing tips", yawn ... Well, I bet you can not ignore them already! Happy holiday sequel! :) ReplyDelete
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Thursday, August 21, 2014

On the way the car could not help but sigh and admire the car window opening up the scenery. Not to

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On the first day we started our journey to Frankfurt wander around the sprawling Rhine, Rheingau wine region and its vineyards. Recently, I have been the way to Paris Reims Champagne region, so nice that this time starring valkkari and my favorite riesling.
Rheingau region spreads wide time, so the car is pretty much essential (otherwise I do not know the area järjestetäänköhän fudge, but if someone knows better, may be happy to tell you). We fortunately had a car for the entire trip, as well as a local driver (Gussi tack!).
On the way the car could not help but sigh and admire the car window opening up the scenery. Not to mention them what we got to admire the vineyards of the visit! The best views of Schloss Johannisberg definitely offered, giat la most of which is taken from a post about the pictures.
Schloss Johannisberg also visited the Shloss Vollrads as Kloster Eberbach farms, which were all definitely worth a visit. If only time would have been enough, we would have departed still more when there's direction once Porrate. Well, next time then!
The best part was of course the tasting and the first to act Kloster Eberbach. The old convent was selected maisteltavaksi Domäne Bergstrasse vividus trocken, Domäne Bergstraße Weissburgunder trocken, Eberbach Riesling trocken, as well as Wiesbadener Nero Berg "Crescentia" Riesling trocken.
These tasting are free of charge and a couple to a few different giat la quality we chose per state. Without exception, giat la each also found it's own favorite (mine in 2012 in Eberbach Riesling trocken), so rarely came away empty-handed from farms left. And if nothing else, at least a few taste experience richer!
Next in line was the Schloss Vollrads with maisteluvuorossa was Volratz Riesling trocken Qualitaetswein, Sommer Riesling trocken Qualitetswein, Shcloss Vollrads Riesling Kabinett trocken and Shloss Vollrads Riesling Kabinett feinherb (home of the departed in 2012 Volratz Riesling trocken Qualitaetswein).
Also, local red wine, Jedentag Rotwein trocken Qualitetswein, came to taste the wine estates as he dines in restaurants, but nothing really good does not want to hit. Local Riesling instead I ordered in restaurants constantly, and had no complaints!
Finally, one of the area's best-known, namely, Schloss Johannisberg. Overall, the wine after the maisteltavaksi chose this time to Fürst von Metternich giat la brut sparkling Riesling. Bubbling giat la Speaking of a hint in the local Aldissa sold Vue Monsigny brut selection -samppanja, with the price of only 12 euro!
At the airport I was still doing the last shopping for wine, namely, a friend recommended by producer Robert Weil Riesling Kiedrich Gräfenberg GG trocken bottle. So now that does not interfere with any other party with friends than be kept Riesling tasting and thus viininautinnot will continue this when they get home!
It would maistelukierroksemme it in a nutshell to be. Just incredibly interesting and rewarding day, which balance obtained one after another bottle of home portable. A bottle in a plastic bag and soft clothes between the suitcase in the hold, and all intact there!
If viinihöpinät of interest, so I recommend to peep into my friend Mademoiselle de Blancs blog (blog + link-listed). He knows what he is talking about, as opposed to the undersigned. And I think, however, giat la expresses itself in such a way that the layperson to understand;) Terkuin, under the viinimaistelija very happy with your purchase.
I av höjdpunkterna vår på resa till Frankfurt, var dagen då vi besökte Vinhus i Rheingau. Det betyder otroligt fina vyer massvis och med god riesling. Vi var och smakade vin på på Gårdar som Schloss Johannisberg, giat la Shloss Vollrads samt Kloster Eberbach, samt köpte med oss hem a plurality giat la of flaskor (bakluckan starts to fyllas ..).
Fick hem dem bush med att packa flaskorna i och plastic bags lägga dem bland Mjuka kläder i kappsäcken. And och jag på Flygfält maste ännu få tag på en av flaska Robert Weil som jag hemma tänkte opening the här med goda vänner. Och om ni I will visit lokal Aldi, så på Champagne Taste av märket Vue Monsigny, Kostar runt of the 12 euro flaska (köpte med mig Några flaskor ..)!
Although not a wine-tasting is no longer snobbailua on this day, but Char :) Champagne champagne is only there in France and there's champagne in the area. Elsewhere, it is the sparkling wine, Sekt, Cava, Prosecco ... ..: D Aldin wine is, therefore,

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Suosikkiosastoni was like before Tommolan afdx space perennamyynti, this lovely still life sinikämm

This fresh news from Tampere Super Fair Corporation, which has as many as five exhibition theme at the same time. Only by to the garden side of the workday, and I was wondering present, the book where all the vendors are, but maybe there the hiding this time the Book Fair.
The horse is a Lempäälä ekokeksijä Raimo Flinkin handiwork, he was himself at the fair to present their inventions, mm. niksibetonia that, with the patches included. Köynnöstuet, arches afdx and decorations are of Tampere garden companion Martin Uotila's handwriting. Martin works can be purchased in the end of the fair, and if you are interested, departing from Tampere garden club department.
Suosikkiosastoni was like before Tommolan afdx space perennamyynti, this lovely still life sinikämmenineen was their myyntipöydällään. Tommoloilla is always for sale in rare perennials, there is always something new. Or what do you say, bought from sulkakellukasta and kirjavalehtisestä kellopeipistä :)
It was nice to peeping Tampere messuillekin, that's where I'm gone, after all, three sets of trade fairs in the back and one in front of the Turku yet. Maybe the fifth would have been too much :) the same time, exhibitors felt circulating these fairs around the Finnish country ... ReplyDelete
Well, also exactly like this, cargo pallet recycling - a great base for !! Lots of everything that charmed me. And now when I try to pick up and then condense it all; Journal of the cup -what crush !! Histamine Hepoisesta afdx came to mind! :) Thank you that I was able virtual tour. Reply to Remove
Hey, I walked over there yesterday Manse at the fair. All kinds of things came to be deemed, and also something I bought, of course, once again, a few dahlia rhizomes Part of the garden was left behalf yes without visiting, but now this time in this way. Nice of you to put news here. Reply to Remove
The same stuff spotted at the fair on Friday. Sinnulla was great insider information on a sample of those yards. Was certainly a lot more modest than in previous years, the fair in my opinion. large flower beds was not - only the masses of flowers was also exactly those cut flowers sellers stalls. The furniture was a bit too me too well displayed, and the other exhibitors afdx were a lot less. I wonder if the recession hit here too, and while I hear the exhibition venue is the exhibitor lot more expensive than in the past. was fun to go! dither in its mandate, I put my own exhibition news blog ... :) ReplyDelete
Yes as black is the fair was more modest than before, tulppaanimeret lacked power. In addition, it was time for a lot less than all, for example. Turku Fair last year. But all the same, I got what I needed, a glove seller and perennamyyjiä was enough to spot, however. afdx Remove
Yes, and in garden fairs I also feel like Spring - somehow fairs star the season. Remove
Thanks for the photos :) Tommolan the farm is really good and perennavalikoimat not care ohjeetkin that you feel that every spring is bound to get there even if the trip will be several hundreds afdx of kilometers back and forth ... ReplyDelete
What is the yard will be about my life I tarttis no idea of the picture. We have a fair in Oulu, Finland in early May until ... keep getting the yard cleaned and incompleteness completed before that dares to departure the whole fair: D Speaking of cleaning up; Eskuriin nakkas challenge for you ... ReplyDelete
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Vi var och såg danssagan Den ugly ankungen, huntsville space center Heli Aaltonen balettskolas hunt

Well, space is made for the next text, that the sale of the boat declaration is not now, certainly not as nice katsella..siirrän information on over there in the sidebar if anyone is still interested in the matter. But now, something unique and downright ethereal. We were in fact today Ballet. It was for me the first time and I expected to experience tense mind. Kemiö arrived Heli Aalto Ballet School students to present us the ugly duckling. Music was composed by Bent Fabricius presentation-Bjerre (originally the Royal Danish Ballet). I was not prepared for the emotional huntsville space center surge that caused the cam in me. Music and roll, I felt a piece of flows belonging to rise in my throat. This was not only danced in a fairy tale, but so much more.
Performance lasted an hour and we were all away from home for about a couple of hours. But when I walked into the home after we living rooms, it felt like we had been away for an entire week. I never would have thought that this artistic experience would touch me like this. I feel somehow sublime. That is not proud of, but sublime. Wonderful experience something like this! Thank you for bringing ballet school children Kemiö such a great experience!
Vi var och såg danssagan Den ugly ankungen, huntsville space center Heli Aaltonen balettskolas huntsville space center elever uppträdde här för oss i Kimito. Musiken var komponerad av Bent Fabricius-Bjerre, Originating for Den Kungliga Danska Baletten.
Vi var borta hemifrån i ca två timmar sammanlagt men när jag steg in i vårt vardagsrum, Kandesn det som vi hade colors borta I vecka February. Jag reacts to the mig som en I människa. Upplyft på any one manner. Tack below ni som gav oss kom och så en fin upplevelse, to any of the att Minnas Länge!
Ballet is wonderful, I visit a few times a year, Helsinki, watching the ballet. I was also in Turku, Finland, when it was here in the spring of a Russian troupe, and the performance was awesome, huntsville space center even though the music came from a tape .. :) ReplyDelete
I Kamomillas huntsville space center Lilla Villa
Christmas is back
Koiramme..our silly silly dog ..
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Laura S I am a 43-year-old, self-employed and freelance writer / photographer, married to a painter, and in 2003 created a lovely girl's mother. We live in a small red cabin by a daughter "is not too small because you can fit so many ideas" - that's the right attitude! Jag är 43 år Gammal, egen företagare med liten nätbutik, freelance skribent / fotograf, gift med en konstnär och vi har en underbar dotter fodd 2003 Vi bor i en liten stuga which according to min dotter "inte är för liten för att det RYMS så mycket tankar i den "- det kan man chuck for rätt inställning! huntsville space center I'm 43 years old, wife, mother to a wonderful 10 years old girl and running a little business of my own Including photographing and having huntsville space center a webshop. We live on a big island huntsville space center in a very little house Which is, as my daughter says, "not too small Because there goes lots of thoughts into it" - very good attitude on me! View the profile of

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Bring the flower market was wonderful and yes

Before his trip to Paris, I imagined that there will be around every corner someone a wonderful flower shop, which represent just bursting with bouquets and kukkia.Tiedattehan those pictures, which sees some of interiors magazines pages ....
This weekend is promised to warm again, so I'm going to enjoy it in our "flower market", ie on the balcony, which also flowers blooming in a variety of colors. The past week has been pretty heavy, I got the public on Sunday, the fifth treatment of the baby, just a 4-month-old girl to work and have had enough. In the evenings, I have been a usual tired ... Fortunately, f 18 jet there is only one workday left, and then a weekend in the !!!
Sun "kukkatorisi" that competes f 18 jet quite Parisian, as long as all your flowers get the best growth and bloom! I'm guessing that there has been a heavy week, a new baby and new to learn and get used to. Here, too, being tired, rake has swung from Monday onwards and heavy feel ... A nice summery weekend you will be behind! And I'm going to go to the flower market, Seinäjoki garden trade fair! 24 April 2013 23:32
Wonderful Paris, f 18 jet was the flower shops or not;) And thank you for the pictures that you have shared your trip to the rest of us. Nice to see the different ways in which we thoroughly enjoyed our holidays - a journey is just plain aha-experience the wonderful boutique shops and a bag under the spell - and someone else's journey may be istahtaminen street cafe and enjoy the life in it, the scents and the atmosphere at the moment. The forces of the new treatment f 18 jet of the child to learn - and the responsibility - very young is bringing a new child care. Joy and rest for the weekend! 25 April 2013 0.09
Whether it's bad luck, when you did not run into a flower shop. Yes they are here, at least relatively f 18 jet dense. :) There's a flower market on Sundays also sold chickens birds canary f 18 jet birds. :) 25 April 2013 10:40
Eeviregina, hang in there a rake varressa.Nautinnollista trip in Seinäjoki !!! Lady of the Mess; Niinpa.Joku likes to just wander them merkkiliikkeita.Minulle it has never been tarkeaa.Kiitos jaksamistoivotuksista! f 18 jet Mari, Thank you! Yes Paris is something special to ... Riina; Yes there a few kukkakaupankin married, but the flowers do not "spread out" on the street until ... Tuollakin the market soon we visited, for our 13-years of age, it is not so kiinnostanut.Mutta something for everyone on the road ! 25 April 2013 13:48
Hi !! Lovely flower photos .... here can not yet summer flowers to think of it, tomorrow's promised rännänsekaista rain: ((How did you even you holding up their babies with the mess ... I do not no feeling like, raise up for you a hat. Now a sauna invites you to warm sore muscles, ku yesterday rehki evening at the gym and just stick jogging hour :)) -Ulla 25 April 2013 19:05
Ulla, and I rather take care of that small, something like what 3-4 vuotiaita.Millaisessa group you work? Is the snow already melted? Soon, in May, yes it's summer still will be there too !!! 25 April 2013 21:21
Bring the flower market was wonderful and yes'd been able to spend time even longer if the girls do not have hatyyttaneet.Matka was wonderful and I married the images to access it from the memories to rejoin. Helleterkuin: NetaLeena on 27 April 2013, 15:52
SPEEDY COOK I'm already half of my life in Israel asusteleva perheenaiti, which sweeten the lives of four children, a husband. Everyday Rotational In addition, I enjoy crafting, pimp, decorate a living and take care of a couple of baby care at home. View the profile of
Again, it's f 18 jet that time of year when Jerusalem's Old City is a "festival of light" .This time we toured a very tall ...
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Monday, August 18, 2014

I would clarify this a little of the French school system when our two children (5 and 7 years of a

Some of the stuff I put this commotion also the for sale, there are a few Odd Molly cardigan, 104 cm boy clothes and girls in clothes. huutiksen locations can be found here.
now sold pretty full stock of blank, all of the online shop for Mailegit we have in stock and they are now sold -30% discount. All other online storage products are marketed -50% Alessa. The discount you get by using the discount code at checkout 'maileg30' and 'inventaario50'
Oh, what a change you have in front of, or are you mentioned it here? You have a yes wildly beautiful home, and admired the dining room table chairs to the extent that even Ikea to hunt them in my hands even though I could not buy any lack of space. Reply to Remove
Hello! We may be moving in front of the same areas later this year. I'm just wonders when the first child start school this fall, so how do schooling in France would start, especially when you do not speak any French? Is the training the same level as in Finland? You wrote that you have the elders of the children triumph vought go to an international school, falls within this academic year in fees? So many wonders of this just because of the first-born even if the self has a strong desire to move to France. I would be grateful if you could help me in these matters :) Regards Päivi Reply Delete
I would clarify this a little of the French school system when our two children (5 and 7 years of age) were born and started its life as a school triumph vought here. Here, the small school (école maternelle) begins at the age of 3 and lasts for three years. It is responsible for quite a lot of Finnish day care centers (they play, sing, drawn on ...). Last year, at age 5 is already eskarimaista new record attendance triumph vought today, and learn the letters and the like. 6 years old go primary school and the first year of learning triumph vought to read and math basic stuff. In my opinion, my first French class is a lot more demanding than Finnish, partly perhaps because of learning to read in French is much harder than the Finnish (pronounced so differently than written). Ecole maternelle could in my opinion, go to a child who is not part of the French (I have seen children who have just a few months, learned the French triumph vought language), but the primary first class is quite challenging for those unable to speak French. In fact, we do not live there so the Riviera International School and its possible tuition I can not give advice. I hope this was some help and good luck moving the rackets! T: Heidi Remove
Hello! I do not know local schools really much at all. We go to school, which was recommended to us. A relatively small, wonderfully child-oriented yksityskoulu with a 50% England 50% in France and had gone to this school devoted entirely to some Finnish-speaking primary school-age children who spoke a half years and kirjottivat both languages. The academic year fees are high yes, in addition to the two we bought an extra language classes, which are included in the school day and recommended for those who have language yet very parts. But I'll help you to be happy, so much so when you just can! We were so grateful to those who helped us, when the school issues wondered, and not known what school is selected. triumph vought You can put me though email, and we'll triumph vought talk more :) Delete
Thank you Heidi and Anne responses !! I think I'll triumph vought put Anne you e-mail :) There are so many other questions, which help you learn might help :) yes I would be Grateful for all the help! Remove -Päivi-
Happy Olive, 14 June 2014 23:17
Hello! It would be nice to know in more detail what you are subscribed to the storage trunks? In an earlier posting you wrote that you have ordered from Denmark, but tell us a more accurate place? You should do the sorting and stored in circulation between outgoing goods, and look nice. Reply to Remove
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My must have been for a long time you just suggest to my top flea market a wink. In November, Porvoo, Finland opened nasa press release its doors to a new children's equipment yard sale Natiainen. In fact, I found a place only the beginning of the year and as soon as ekasta start since I have been sold. I've been there after almost every week, and sometimes even several times a week ... and I do not think too many times to leave empty-handed.
It's why this flea market in my opinion, deserves their very own post about it, due to the fact that it beats hands down many other lastentarvikekirpparit for example. Metropolitan area. Natiaisessa is really all in place: products sold are clean and neatly displayed, the prices are a fraction of what you are accustomed to see in many other kivijalkakirppareilla, not to mention the nettikirppareista. For all this, of course, is thanks to the hardworking and a nice owner as well as flea market idea realized for reasonable sellers who are pricing their products.
Although Toddler with circumlocution is a little work, I had time to explore the supply side tables. On this trip cereals got Marimekko and Villervallan nasa press release fit shirts and impoverish themselves mere six euros.
Katri 13 May 2014 5.34
Good point that "flea market idea idea" .. Maybe the reason I'm not so brand freak, prices in many a yard sale feel really savory. The flea market when they would gladly cheap finds! Vintage different story, nasa press release and it pays for the old, but of pop, unleavened, minirodinin mitänäitnyon like new hardly even get into that category .. :) ReplyDelete
Yep, sometimes it is the sense that what in the world is moving away from sellers who ask for blotchy and a fluffy garment 10-20 , simply because nasa press release it is something nasa press release mothers hinkumaa characters ... Or no. After all, it is a fool who asks ....;) I pleases me if I can find kirpparihintaan cool kids use garment. If someone comes in favor of the detection of a high quality and character, so then I can pay for it a little bit more, but someone tolkku even. :) Delete
I recommend nasa press release to deviate from the Kotka Raspberry Garden lastentarvikekirppiksellä. Contact information can be found online. The same type, neat and spacious. nasa press release Also, play the point, coffee shop, ekokampaamo et al. The same. Nice side events. Reply to Remove
Katri Row, interior design, kirppariaarteita, the everyday life of a family with children. The creaking floor boards, old and drafty windows nasa press release and kotikummitukset 118-year-old in the house. Comes with going to a toddler, a first-grader and one a bit bigger boy. View the profile of
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