Sandro soterem Chignola, Veronese philosopher, scholar of the thought of Michel Foucault and edited Grooming life. A seminar on Courses of Michel Foucault at the Collège de France (1977-1979) (short shadows, Verona, 2006, p. 154, 13) helps us to dispel the media noise that surrounds these days the bill Perfume, through a 'close analysis of the role of public soterem schools in contemporary Italian society and of the role played by the ideology of merit in projects in reorganization projects of the last two decades.
Marco Amber: Let's start by reorganization of the school being the 90s. She described soterem them in terms of a restructuring according to the ideology of the new public management: the gradual privatization of public schools, the implementation of an educational technology competencies, the involvement soterem of all the share holders (parents, students, public officials, managers) in the evaluation of the educational activity, including statistical and quantitative measurement tools (such as testing INVALSI). How do these points guiding the action of the public school riorganizzatrice create a space where you can fit what Foucault, in The Birth of Biopolitics, noted as one of the most effective devices of neo-liberalism: soterem the idea of an individual entrepreneur himself, ontologically soterem than the first society in which it operates? In that sense, this reorganization is supported soterem by an episteme pedagogical expression of the teaching of skills? Sandro Chignola: The fact that I am speaking to Security, territory and population, and the Birth of Biopolitics soterem to deconstruct the reform measures that have been slaughtered on the public schools since the 90s is something that somehow Foucault himself advocated soterem when reiterates , in interviews, to think of his work as a toolbox. The work of Foucault is not a closed system or a thought in their consistency, but rather an "arrow shot to the heart of this" (Habermas), a repertoire soterem of topics, moves, and analysis that could be continued. There is a series of lectures by Foucault in the mid-70s when he says that you have thought about all of his books as mine galleries that were to collapse, like fireworks or even molotov: something that is consumed in when the analysis produces its effect. soterem Now, the two courses I mentioned at the beginning are extraordinary things soterem that add to the topic in question. Especially for what the Birth of Biopolitics said about the relationship between governmentality and neoliberalism. When Foucault begins to apply the vocabulary of governmentality has faced a twofold problem. In the first place to start thinking about the subject as subjectivity, as a process, whereas for a long time he had thought of as objectified by the practices of subjugation. This is extraordinarily important to understand why - and I think this is the second problematic aspect - the neo-liberal technologies of government seek to regulate a moving subject that must somehow aggiogarsi voluntarily, playing a sort of voluntary servitude. In other words, the neoliberal governmentality is addressed to a person who is disciplined in their autonomy, into the formation processes, soterem impacting his own desire to be governed. It is precisely through the construction of this great exchange that the autonomy of the subject is limited, is made practical application of the governmental strategy. Within this passage, which I consider decisive, spread the reflection of the last Foucault: the tense analysis of processes of subjectivation and forms of life that, in some ways, even in relation to the government tend to hold and play spaces true freedom. The Birth of Biopolitics Foucault, soterem where talk of economizing power, notes that the neo-liberal ideology tends to enhance these figures of independent entrepreneurship, particularly in the educational process (but you can also take the example of the subjects of migration), and are particularly centered from the point of view of the analytic. In fact, if initially the disciplinary processes tend to form the subject insofar as they block it and fix it (all the analytical detection in Discipline and Punish and the things written in the early 70s), from a certain point onwards Foucault realizes that the territorialisation of In
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